
Gender mainstreaming for community-driven development (CDD) projects to provide a space for women to contribute to the local development processes. In particular, the Afghan National Solidarity Programme (NSP), covering 38,000 communities.

Lessons on post-conflict security sector and public finance management.


Guidance on post-conflict multi-partner interventions.

Framework development in the context of governance and state-building engagement in Asia and the Pacific.

Development and delivery of experiential leadership development programs integrating project-based learning into the work environment.

Development of the first the Police Development Strategy.

Development of workforce capability and forecast frameworks.

Design and monitoring of the transition of a peacekeeping mission into a Security Sector Reform and community policing program

Interdependent program review with specific focus on capacity building

Organisational capability review (Portfolio, Program and Project management (P3M3), Change readiness assessment)

Learning initiative bringing together defense, police, justice, development, treasury and NGOs leading to the publication “Accidental Partners”.

Creation of a multi-vendor governance strategy that would improve end-to-end ICT service delivery.


Independent review of security sector reform and community policing.


Publication – “Beyond the fragile state: taking action to assist fragile actors and societies”.

Case study on participatory budgeting.


Community engagement through participatory process for grievance mechanisms, social auditing and iterative beneficiary monitoring.

Institutional change for displacement-focused organizations through peer to peer learning.

Organisational assessment to support rationalisation of national telecom operator.

Conflict analysis.


Police multi-partner co-design practice into knowledge development.


Investment fund and NGO innovative partnership for impact, co-design and development.

Central African Republic

Post-conflict strategy and reengagement plan for a development bank.

Conflict analysis.

Côte d’Ivoire

Post-conflict community-driven development (CDD) project design and implementation ensuring service provision for war-affected villages.

Post-conflict needs assessment.

Disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration (DDR) multi-stream job creation through vocational training, business creation and labour intensive public works (LIPW).

Peace deal donor engagement and representation.

Holistic support for gender-based violence (GBV) survivors and women in militarised environments.

Program design, funding and monitoring of the release of 3000 children from armed groups.

Cocoa policy reform on pricing controls to address deforestation, commercial agroforestry and farming.

National registry re-establishment through village assembly processes.


Support to refugee regional policy harmonisation, knowledge development and evidence-base policy formulation.

Last-mile user access analysis for modern renewable cooking solutions.

Democratic Republic of Congo

Great Lakes development responses to forced displacement policy dialogue.

Support to a regional gender-based violence (GBV) project.


Regional conflict analysis.


Policy formulation for financial literacy building in both formal and informal sectors.

Support to a project implementation unit (PIU) to manage long-term project on regional policy harmonisation, knowledge development and evidence-base policy formulation.

Last-mile user access analysis for modern renewable cooking solutions.

Refugee related legal framework review.


Police multi-partner co-design practice into knowledge development.


Experiential learning program design to build individual and team leadership and improve organisational climate to address critical functional and decision-making issues.

Pre-deal human capital due diligence for Nordic manufacturing company.

Suitability assessment of enterprise resource planning (ERP) human resource system, including process mapping and definition of detailed functional specifications.

Organisational design of global R&D structures in the biotech sector.


Community engagement mapping and process development for combating poverty through the Village Community Support Program (PACV).


Independent review of human rights in Haiti carceral system.


Police multi-partner co-design practice into knowledge development.


Publication – “Beyond the fragile state: taking action to assist fragile actors and societies”.

Case study on the community-based anti-corruption movement in Rajasthan.


Conflict analysis.


Conflict analysis.


Regenerative agri-business, future-proofing global food-chains and providing environmental and economic resilience against climatic shocks.

Post-deal integration and transformation roadmaps for organisational change of insurance firms.

Logistics processes reliability and productivity development, establishing international quality standards into local markets and service teams with state of the art product knowledge.

Research on mobile-based automation of business finance for women in the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) distribution sector for the bottom of the pyramid.

Resources and needs mapping to empower communities in extractive industries.

Design of a user-centered robo-advisory saving solution for the middle-class allowing access to multiple asset classes and starting with a minimum deposit of USD$1.

Last-mile user access analysis for modern renewable cooking solutions.

Support to a project implementation unit (PIU) to manage long-term project on regional policy harmonisation, knowledge development and evidence-base policy formulation.

Last-mile user access analysis for modern renewable cooking solutions.

Creation and management of a 150-member network of innovators, manufacturers and health professional to locally produce best fit-for-purpose and sustainable PPEs, respiratory assistance devices and oxygen for East Africa.

East Africa business development strategy for ecological inputs, scenario-based sales strategy including a model for serving new markets: farm modelling, localised extension services and adaptable distribution model.

System to advise smallholders on sustainability, aflatoxins control, business processes and business development.

New route to market for women of the Kenyan middle class in fresh fruits and vegetables, reaching breakeven after 6 weeks, 70% customer retention, transformed 60% of customers into e-shoppers and established a traceability system for suppliers.


Conflict analysis.


Investment fund and NGO innovative partnership, co-design and development.


Independent observer and advisor to processes vulnerable to interference and where results could be contestable as due process is not followed.


Post-conflict institution building and community rehabilitation.

Conflict analysis.

Publication – “What Role for Diaspora Expertise in Post-Conflict Reconstruction? Lessons from Afghanistan, and West Bank and Gaza”.


Great Lakes development responses to forced displacement policy dialogue.


Conflict analysis, focusing in Casamance.

Sierra Leone

Publication – “Beyond the fragile state: taking action to assist fragile actors and societies”.

Solomon Islands

Police multi-partner co-design practice into knowledge development.

Case study on the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands.


Supervision for Money Transfer Business (‘Hawalas’), including monitoring, onsite examinations, and corrective action plans.

Pre-deal AML/CFT and operational assessments of commercial banks.

Support to a project implementation unit (PIU) to manage long-term project on regional policy harmonization, knowledge development and evidence-base policy formulation.

Last-mile user access analysis for modern renewable cooking solutions.


Conflict analysis.


Great Lakes development responses to forced displacement policy dialogue.

Operational review of retail bank.

Restructuring of human resource processes for a public hospital.


Police multi-partner co-design practice into knowledge development.


Police multi-partner co-design practice into knowledge development.


Independent review and change management of procurement processes and regulatory structures of donor-funded e-Government program.

Design and facilitation of intergovernmental workshops to implemented to enhance citizen centric service delivery.


Great Lakes development responses to forced displacement policy dialogue.

Support on regional policy harmonisation, knowledge development and evidence-base policy formulation.

Last-mile user access analysis for modern renewable cooking solutions.

Design and delivery of cultural change programs for the leadership of the national taxation authority.


Great Lakes development responses to forced displacement policy dialogue.

Organisational review and development of a new operating model for the national pension scheme authority.

Organisational review of mining conglomerate.

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